Nagyobb rendezvények lebonyolítására is felkészülte. Több ízben is itt ünnepeltünk születés napot vagy évvégi záró vacsorát. Nagyon rugalmasak az ételek elkészítésében. Akár glutén és laktóz mentes igényeket is ki tudnak elégíteni.
Ezen a környéken kerestünk jó éttermet a párommal, egy másik alkalommal már voltunk egy másik étteremben, de a kettő közül ez volt a legjobb, bőséges étel és nagyon finom étel, gyors kiszolgálás. Egyedül azért nem jár az 5 pont, mert az áfonya öntet lehetett volna kicsit több a tányéron, hogy lehessen bele mártogatni is, ne csak tányér dísz legyen. De még így is ez volt az eddigi legjobb környékbeli étterem.
Több alkalommal jártam barátommal a családias étteremben, ahol mindig az idénynek megfelelö menüvel várják a vendégeket. Karácsony közeledtével most is az ünnephez méltó menüvel kedveskedtek a háziak... :) Izletes lencsekrémlevest rendeltünk, utána céklás rizotót kértünk két féle hallal és rákkal.... ami mennyei volt. Az ebédet egy karácsonyi desszert koronázta... :)
Társasággal vacsoráztunk itt, nagyon finomat ettünk, az ásványvíz is benne volt az árban. Kedves kiszolgálás.
The food was awesome, I strongly recommend the pork cotlet gipsy style with some fried potatoes.The atmosphere was pleasant and they have a really nice terrace.The meal I ate was a total of 7,5 Euro.Prices are pretty affordable.What I disliked was the fact that the waiters didn’t know english or at least german.It was hard to cooperate, but finally we managed to do it somehow.Overall, great place to eat with good prices for a holiday meal!
We popped in for quick lunch after long drive from Czech. As we were so hungry, we ordered soup and main course. Mushroom and garlic soup were really tasty and very big portion, definitely no cheating on ingredients. As main, we had veggie tortellini and gnocchi with pork and mushroom, both again massive portion and amazing taste. We had to ask for a take away box for one meal as we weren’t able to finish it.
Service was really good, only our problem was that we don’t speak German or Hungarian and the waitress didn’t speak English, but we managed to get through whole order with smiles and little giggles as there were times when we didn’t understand each other.
I ordered probably the biggest dish in the restaurant and I was surprised for the variety and the taste of the food. Good choice of you are looking for something typical from that region.
I've been several times to the Korsó during my stay in Mosonmagyarovár and I took every time the same, which was the daily menu "B" . First there comes a pumpkin soup with, main dish is a pumpkin risotto with fish and for desert there came a delicious homemade cake. The first times I went the desert was a different tart, which was also good, but the last two times I went they served a different cake which was outstanding, much better than the cakes I've had so for in the local coffeshops ! This whole menu costs 9,80 Euros which I feel is a very good cost-benefit relation ! I will come back !