Először jártunk itt s nem csalódtunk. A személyzetnek 5 csillag jár a kimagaslott. Az ételek amiket felszolgáltak bőségesek voltak nem volt panasz a mennyiségre. Jó szívvel ajánlom s ha tehetitek akkor próbáljátok ki.
Ferenc Földes
Az ételek finomak voltak, bár a tatár egy kicsit sós volt.
Nagyon sok pincér szolgált fel az asztalunknál, ami nem baj, de nem tudták, hogy az előző mit mondott, csinált, kérdezett. Többször felvették volna a rendelést, kétszer akartak megteríteni, stb. Ezen a színvonalon ez nem fér bele szerintem.
A kóstoló falatok az előétel után érkeztek, ez minimum érdekes.
A fogások olyan gyorsan jöttek egymás után, hogy kicsit az az érzésem volt, mindjárt zárnak.
Benedek Farkas
Nagyon udvariasak, segítőkészek voltak. Meglepetés előételnek padlizsánkrémet és vajat kaptunk különböző kenyér félékkel. A magyar bivalysteak tatár fantasztikus volt. A lazacos pizza ill a kacsamell zöldségfélékkel nagyon ízletesek voltak.
Virág Viktória
Minőségben hozta az elvártat, van egy-két meglepetés is pozitív értelemben az étlapon. Ár-érték arányban inkább megfelelő, mint kimagasló.
László Kerekes
Szuper hely, finom ételek
Windisch Ernő
Nagyon szépen helyre állított epület jó fekvéssel, megközelíthetőseggel, amelyhez nagy utcai terasz is tartozik.A személyzet barátságos, felkészült.A konyha szintén magáért beszél, érdemes kipróbálni, mert több oldalon lehetne írni róla csak.
Viktor Doshi
Luxuskörnyezetben, ízletes, szemet gyönyörködtető fogások, angolul kiválóan beszélő és a fogásokból jól felkészült (borkínálatból kiváltképp) felszolgálókkal. Remek élmény volt.
Viktor Oláh
Kiváló hely ár értékarány tökéletes a személyzet segítőkész udvarias a mi felszolgàlónk Cinát szerdát szeretnének látnitia még egy kis történelmi előadást is tartott az étterem jelenéről múltjáról .Bátran ajánlom azoknak akik igényes gastronómiát szeretnének!!!
Katalin Vogl
Kedves Spago! Többször jártunk már az étteremben. Látjuk hogy megkapta a Michelin csillagot. Szerintünk túlárazott és nem Michelin, már jártunk több Michelin csillagos helyen. Úgy írjuk hogy rendszeresen látogatunk sok más budapesti éttermet is, pl a bécsi szelet már 3 ezerrel drágább mint legutóbb, 11 ezer Ft indokolatlan ár, pl a Felixben, a Duna Corson, a Szép Ilonában, vagy a bazilikánál évő Vakvarjúban sokkal finomabb a bécsi szelet mint Önöknél. Az étlap furcsa volt most, párommal kettőt kaptunk, és az árak és a szöveg is különbözött egymástól a két étlapon, pl "liszt és cukor" felirat alatt voltak a főételek és a pizzák. Kávéhoz már nem adtak kicsi bonbont, pl kis szarvas volt karácsonykor és utána is kaptunk sima bonbont. Amúgy cukrot és édesítőt sem táltaltak már a kávé mellé, ahogy a sót és borsot is külön kell kikérni. Zeller leves finom volt, de a korábbi sütötök leves finomabb volt. A gombás tésztát többször ettük előtte, akkor nagyon finom volt, a mostani nem volt olyan jó, kevés gomba, túlvizezett, üveghagyma, múltkori fokhagyma helyett. A báránykolbász pizza egyáltalán nem ízlett, pl Michelin csillagos Ronda Locatelli éttermében külföldön egy hete ettünk pikáns szalámis pizzát, százszor finomabb volt, sőt a gyorsétterem Vapianoban is finomabb a pizza. Azért mert báránykolbász van rajta, ettől Michelin? Mert ettől még nem volt finom. Egyébként milyen fogást rendeltek a Michelin ügynökök, mert szívesen kipróbálnánk azokat, hogy megtudjuk milyen a Michelin érzés Önöknél? Korábban ettük: a somlói finom volt és különleges az olvadó csoki. Most császármorzsát próbáltuk ki, a császármorzsán az eperöntet finom volt, de maga a császármorzsa amúgy ízeltlen és jellegtelen, amúgy az egyik étlapon bogyós gyümölcs, a másik étlapon pedig alma és tőzegáfonya volt feltüntetve a császár mellé, ehelyett eper lett tálalva, ami nem gond, csak furcsa. Pl a Szép Ilonában sokkal finmabb a császármorzsa. Szerintünk kevés az étlap választéka, ebédidőben voltunk. A szakácsok kedvesek voltak, az jó hogy tiszta és átláható a konyha. A hely hangulata jó. Furcsa hogy legalább 5 ember szolgál ki egy vendéget, aki épp arra jár, valaki kedves, valaki kevésbé, de így sokszor el felejtenek kéréseket. Reméljük tudnak épülni a véleményből.
Andor Kollar
Izleses, diszkret, hangulatos etterem, profi szemelyzettel. Nagyon szep borvalasztek. Ovatos, nem kiserletezo, de stabil hatarozott konyha. A kacsamaj remek, a burata csodas. A legjobb a polip volt a karacsonyi menusorban. Nagyon finom a Ny-steak. Erdekes parositasok hus es koret eseteben. Ami megrazo, az a desszert. Olyan mertekben ter el a valos recepttol, hogy felismerhetetlen. Tul edes es unalmas az esti valasztek.
Cickány Baráth
Másodszorra voltunk itt. Elsőre remek volt minden.
Sajnos második alkalommal már nem annyira, igaz 15:00-18:00 ciklusban semelyik étterem sincs a top-on.
De ami kifejezetten gyenge volt: a desszert. Wolfgang szegény nagymamája véletlenül cukorral csinálta meg egyszer a rántottát. 4.900Ft-ért megkóstolható!!!
Mi jön ezután: cukros-vajas kenyér?
Viszont a pizzájuk és a gulyás is remek volt.
Balázs Nyári
Modern dizájnnal,lenyűgöző óriási terasszal.Igazi kulináris élmény,a hamburger mennyei íze ,tökéletes.Kiváló kiszolgálás.Visszajövök
Tünde Gyulai
Az ételek finomak voltak az alapanyagok minősége a hazai átlag felett van. A steak nagyon jól készült és puha volt az épület gyönyörű belülről viszont a szerviz akadozó Körülbelül fél órát kellett várni hogy felvegyék a rendelést úgy is hogy rengeteg A személyzet Szerintem túl sokan is vannak Nincs koordináció köztük és kissé motiválatlan ok a forgalom után kellene jutalékot adni a személyzetnek illetve ilyen árak mellett pofátlanságnak tartom hogy még borravalót is feltüntetnek a számlán
Peter Balogh
Minőségi alapanyagokból, fine dining gourmet jellegű fogások.
Kedves professzionális kiszolgálás.
Kovács Bendegúz
Igényes környezet, kedves kiszolgálás, igazán különleges ételek! Köszönjük az élményt!
Dániel Fáncsi
Nagyon finomak voltak az ételek és figyelmes a kiszolgálás.
Trópusi hétköznapok
Breakfast, lunch and dinner … we had it all! The service was always on point and the food was some of the best in town. Definitely worth the price. They take classic Hungarian dish’s and put a twist on them. Well planned menu. We kept coming back for more.
Tuna tartare
Noura A
Nice place, friendly staff, and delicious food
Noura A
Luxury restraunt by chief Ishtvan. The best one in Budapest.
Yury S
Vacsorázni mentünk az étterembe, a hely nagyon exluzív, igényes. A kiszolgálás számunkra tökéletes volt, Ricsi kedves, felkészült és figyelmes volt. Az ételek nagyon finomak voltak, a burrata sajt isteni volt. Jó hangulatú, kellemes estét töltöttünk itt, biztosan visszatérünk!
Nagy izgalommal vártuk a nyitást, és nem is csalódtunk. Már az asztalfoglalás pillanatától kiváló volt a figyelmesség és gondoskodás amivel körbevettek minket. Az ételek fantasztikusan voltak elkészítve, a bor kínálat megkapó. Nagy kedvenc volt a császármorzsa! Érdemes kipróbálni.
Bravo.Minden nagyon finom volt.Az ételek ízletessek és az alapanygok frissek.A berendezés szép és a terasz is.Végre újraélesztették a Matilda Palotát.
We tried this restaurant with my family last night after a dear friend’s recommendation. We decided to have some cocktails in The Duchess (first on the top floor with the most stunning views!), and then dinner downstairs in the restaurant. We had the loveliest evening. The lady who looked after us in Spago, Krisztina was perfectly attentive and she made our evening very relaxed. The food was simply divine. We will definitely be coming back soon!
We went to Spago for my birthday dinner and I’m really glad we did. The service was top notch and (although my waiter hadn’t been informed it was my birthday) he clearly treats everyone special. We mentioned that my partner was struggling between the pork and beef mains, and the waiter arranged for an extra side of the beef along with the pork to give us both options.
The beef tratare was the best dish my boyfriend ate on our whole trip. The vegetarian options (especially the mains) could have been a bit more inventive, although I enjoyed the cauliflower steak anyway.
The desert was also a delightful take on traditional somloi galuska.
A really special night in great ambiance and we will be back for more!
The place is so nice , we came for a Birthday dinner, staff was very friendly especially Our lovely waitress Krisztina , food was very delicious 😋
Torky A
visited this place for dinner beginning of July. The place is very nice and if you manage to get a table outside on the terrace it's even better. Food was pretty good, taste - textures - plating 👌🏻the wine list is also excellent. And the star of the evening was our sommelier - Panna. Super nice lady, she has been very friendly and patient, attending us very well and trying to make us feel comfortable. That was great service 👌🏻 - Thank you once again Panna. People always make the difference.
We really enjoyed our experience and dinner there during February when it was cold, dark and dreary here in Budapest. The decor and atmosphere is warm and inviting. The sun room area is decorated with live olive trees and you can enjoy the sunshine there in the middle of winter.
We are planning to go soon in July when we go back this weekend so I will update!
What we enjoyed very much was the kindly servers we had and the sommelier who knew so much about the Hungarian and French wines available.
The food was served quickly and hot. It was very good!
The bathrooms super clean, which is always a must for me.
Faultless from start to finish. Attentive service, looked after by the same waitress the entire duration of the meal. Can’t fault the taste and composition of every course. Would happily come again.
Great food wine and service which one couldn’t fault. The food and wine also arrived at a speed that endured you weren’t waiting but not too quickly either. Very well presented in a modern setting.
We had a nice dinner, pre booked and asked for a romantic spot, instead we got a table in the terrace area, which was closed off, but as it was winter, the glass walls kept us super cold all evening...
The welcoming from the staff and kitchen is super friendly, professional and very inviting overall. Our waitress was super kind, she kept an eye on us all the time and gave us good recommendations for our dinner.
When wanting to order drinks, a gentleman came over, but turned out he was not the sommelier of the restaurant, just another waiter... well, the recommended wines and cocktails were undrinakble, absolutely not the taste we asked for... after paying so much money, I would say it could have been a top priority for them to change the drinks in such case, but no.
The food was really nice, amazing tastes, very neatly made.
alltogether I enjoyed the time spent there, the place is really beautiful and stylish, the food is delicious, but make sure you order from the real sommelier, you might actually get lucky.
The best restaurant in Budapest,
Very good service, great food, it’s not expensive, they have great cocktails, I love the atmosphere inside ❤️
It was the perfect experience and worth every single penny! The staff is very attentive, the food is amazing (Tuna tartare in cones and the Spinach agnolotti: OMG) and brought to you with the perfect presentation. The sommelier picked the perfect wine for me based on the meal I ordered and it was delicious. The interior is fancy but yet comfy - had a great vibe to it. We will definitely go back when we are in Budapest the next time!
We booked a table via their website at eight thirty in the evening after visiting a concert. The reply came that we where most welcome. We arrived ten minutes past eight, a bit earlier than expected. We where directly shown a table - outside - in april - and was very surpriced. Before we had time to say anything the waiter left us standing there like two fools. We finally sat down and noticed it was freezing cold (after removing our jackets). The heaters didn't work proparly and it was windy through all the glass walls. We where not asked to sit in the bar waiting for a table inside, we did not (!) recieve an e-mail telling us that the only tables left was outside, we where not asked if it was ok sitting outside, we where not asked if we would like a drink to start with, there where no apologys concerning the cold outdoor room we sat in. They offered us a blanket after 45 minutes. They offered us to move inside after more than one hour, in the middle of our maincourses, but then we where so fed up that we finished our meals before we moved. The food was ok, 3 out of 5, wines - very expensive. Service 3 out of 5. We will certainly NOT go back OR recommend it. Budapest has a LOT (!) of better restaurants than this. This was a HUGH dissapointment. We really hope that they shape up in the future. Nore did they offer us some kind of treat before we left to ease our experience or get a better judgement.
I have been here for the breakfast because i was at the hotel Matild Palace, which is located in the same building.
The food was super fresh with many options and the service absolutely amazing.
I would like to suggest to try the pancakes in the morning and the granola bowl with the yogurt and berries! delicius
It’s nice to see a new spago in Budapest very nice restaurant.the service is very friendly .the dishes are very tasty
Wine selection rich and good .atmosphere is great.
Arrived solo for dinner on a business trip. I loved the decor of the restaurant and the bold choice in music (Guns & Roses and Metallica were both played). I was taken to my seat by the lovely hostess and quickly asked for my drink order by my waiter. I asked for a recommendation and got a cocktail that matched my requests perfectly.
Dinner started with a lovely fresh selection of breads, served with soft butter and duck leg rillette. I could just eat that all day. It was that good.
As my starter I had the trio of foie gras.
I loved the crisp Jerusalem Artichoke chips that accompanies it. Well presented and very well executed.
For mains I had the sautéed duck breast which was perfectly cooked and the sides went well with the dish. Amazing presentation.
Last, while browsing the dessert menu I noticed the dark chocolate soufflé. I have a soft spot for this dish as my mother used to make it for our birthdays when we were young. It reminded me of her very much, so thank you for those memories.
We loved it. Food, service, the venue itself. It was such a great experience & mesmerising watching the chefs in the open kitchen. Highly recommend a visit.
This was a very special experience. Modern American (?) cuisine with a few Hungarian-inspired dishes. Excellent food overall, very creative, flavorful and chic. Good service, helpful sommelier. Limited choice of Pinot Noirs. Totally inappropriate hard rock playlist.
Amazing staff and menu. Excellent overall vibe and exceptional service from the hostess to the waitstaff. highly recommended!
We had a nice big round table by the window. Make reservations as it is quite busy. Not a huge choice on menu but interesting. You start off with a butter and a nice choice of tasty breads. I started off with their signature dish tuna tartar which was very good and then the pike pearch overall a great dish and closed with an interesting dessert. Nice wine choices and we had a fresh savignom blanc from hungary. Good service. Prices are on the high side but fine dining is costly.
Amazing food - especially unique is the pizza with salmon and real caviar. Super service and interior.
Christian G
I had lunch with my fiancé here.
I have to admit that the place itself is very beautiful but the food is soo average.
I had beetroot with goat cheese, my fiancé asked for burrata. These looked nice and we liked them; however, the main courses were awful. There were too much vinegrette and the steak was cold....Maybe we should have ordered something else.
That is the situation when the food looks better that it tastes.
BUT one thing that really melted my heart is that as it was my birthday so I got a mousse with a candle.
The servers were polite, kind and smiley.
A small group of us visited this restaurant for dinner. The staff was nice, the design of the place was cool and the food was fine. I had two types of hors de ouvres, a burrata, a goulash soup and and dark chocolate soufflé for dessert, which was a little disappointment for me.
I wish I had ordered Somloi galuska, because of the serving style!
The prices were like in a fine dining restaurant but actually Spago is not that category yet.
Just walked in and had the luck to get a table in the afternoon: The cuisine is delicious. Will visit again.
Angelika L
Spago is a fine dining restaurant in the posh new Mathilde Palace hotel. As such it
is expected to be good and pricey ( in Hungarian standards), and indeed it proved to be both. The menu though was pretty limited. The "trio" of pate de foie gras has been exceptional, and the cream soup nice. On the night that we were, they didn't have the "spare ribs for two", so we opted for the pasta dishes, where the spinach ravioli was excellent. A large portion of sorbet ice cream sealed an evening of very good food. As said earlier it has been the most expensive dinner of our week-long stay at the Hungarian capital, but it was worth every penny or in this case HUF. We shall definitely be back on our next visit in order to sample the meat dishes. A tip: reservation is recommended.
david s
Staff is totally careless, DJ is awfull, music is incredible loud and bad, seats are uncomfortable, food is just acceptable so the plce is far below our expectations.
Words cannot describe our experience at Spago restaurant in Budapest. Special thanks to Tomas, who arranged that for us a table on short notice, Eric who prepared tailor made coctails for us along with Mati!!
The food was amazing and the staff so professional!
Thank you!!!
Arrived first for an cocktail on the roof top "The Duchess" ( 4 guests) - were told that we need a reservation - which I have not seen when looking at the webpage. After explaining that we have a reservation at Spago one hour later we were seated.
Good staffing level, uniform from our waiter heavily stained, dress code of some waiters appear out of standard?!
Restaurant Spago:
seated at Terrace promptly. Good amount of wait, kitchen and other staff - but seem to be disorganized / hectic - loosing attentiveness. Saturday evening, partially occupied.
Menu limited - open show kitchen - everyone in the kitchen without any Chef's hats.
Good bread/spread presentation
I had breakfast, lunch and drinks at night during my stay at Matild Palace. The service was outstanding with particular focus on the gentlemen behind the bar. Norbert Balazs and Erik Acsadi are consummate professionals who not only know their alcohol, they read the crowd well. If you want silence, they are respectful. If you want to interact, they are blast. Ask them to recommend a drink after describing what you like! The food was good, the best I had in Budapest and plated beautifully.
From the first moment sitting at this great place you are treated as a Prince . Waiters are very welcome and super professional , smiling, knows all the details of the dishes and service is adequate.
We had the best tuna tartar ever had, smoothing in the mouth, served .
in refined waffle conus and socrunchy, just a dream. Also the dish of the Bursta cheese salat was divine. For main courses we took the fish dishes, no words to describe the celebration of tastes and colourful of the dishes. God inspired the Chef. And for desert a great remarkable Basque cheese cake, couldn't be better finale for a super tasty evening.
Thank you team at the kitchen and on the service. We will come again and again.
.Prices were reasonable for the high quality.
Having dined in a couple of WP’s outlets around the globe, his first European outpost did NOT disappoint.
Usually the high-end, more pricey places in Budapest don’t have much to offer other than a normal/casual place, but Spago was REAL let me tell you. True hospitality from the heart. Exactly what I was hoping for, from the cocktails at the bar, to the quality ingredients and beautiful dishes.
Staff well trained and had plenty of attention to detail, which is what is missing from restaurants in this price range in the city.
Special shoutout to Erik the bartender, (I hope I remember the name correct), who made us the most beautiful aperitif drinks prior to dinner. Amazing knowledge.
Will definitely be returning upon my next visit to this beautiful city.
Good impression overall, quality kitchen (would not call it extraordinary though); decent service and kind personnel (but have seen better in town). Slightly overpriced I believe - I would never pay HUF 7500 (EUR 20) for a pizza in Hungary (despite the smoked salmon on top) even if it is one the signature dishes of Mr Wolfgang Puck. They charge 12% tip.
Menu (for wife and myself): minestrone and goulash soup; Wiener schnitzel, strozzapreti (pasta) with vegetables; dark chocolate soufflé, double espresso. All fine, but no wow feeling in general - except the Goulash with the extremely soft beef meat (probably sous vide?) and the very rich, smooth soup plus the super delicious chocolate sauce served with the soufflé. Looking at the neighbouring tables main dishes, I would definitely try some other dishes, too.
Two negative things to highlight:
- uncomfortable chairs on the terrace. The interior designer who chose them should try sitting on them for an hour...
- "Wolfgang's favourite Kaisersmarren" (one of the other signature dishes of the place) is not available in lunchtime, only in the evening - very disappointing, especially they don't mention this fact on their webpage, and my wife was desperate to taste it. Even the waiter could not come up with a reasonable explanation.